News 08/09/2021
11.8.2021: 2nd Milonga at FÜNF HÖFE
Our first Tango Argentino evening last Wednesday, initiated by Michaela and Fabion Lugo from the renowned Munich dance school Tango Lugo was a complete success! Numerous tangueras and tangueros came to celebrate the sensual Argentinean dance on the FÜNF HÖFE plaza and were floating across the “parquet” to original Argentinean tango music. Many passers-by stopped to watch. Because it looks so beautiful, even if you are not dancing yourself.
The less than summery weather didn’t matter to anyone, because on our Plaza you dance open air, but still sheltered – under the beautiful backdrop of the Hanging Gardens.
Now it’s time for the next tango evening at the FÜNF HÖFE – and this time the weather is just right! Sunshine and up to 26 degrees Celsius are forecast during the day. It will also remain pleasantly warm in the evening.
Wednesday, 11.8.2021, 7 – 10 pm
Open Air on the Plaza of the FIVE HEIGHTS
Open-air tango evenings in Munich are known from the Diana Temple in the nearby Hofgarten of the Residenz. At Königsplatz or at the Pinakothek der Moderne, too, open-air tango evenings are taking place more and more frequently – “thanks” to Corona. Anyone who wants to can come along, dance – and leave again whenever they like. But most of the time you don’t want to stop …
The world of Tango Argentino is a fascinating world full of sensuality and feelings. Immerse yourself in the spirit of tango and simply forget the world outside for a few hours.
The Milonga at FÜNF HÖFE is initiated and supervised by Michaela and Fabian Lugo from the Tango School Tango Lugo.
– Without pre-registration
– On a donation basis
– On own responsibility
– Super floor for dancing tango
– Open air and roofed at the same time
– In all weathers
You can read the current hygiene concept of Tango Lugo here.
We wish you an enchanting evening of tango and are very happy that the spirit of Tango Argentino is blowing through our passages again!