News 08/13/2021
18.8: Third Milonga with Tango Lugo
FÜNF HÖFE is the new insider tip for fans of Tango Argentino!
Tango evenings under the open sky are very popular in Munich – not only in the Diana Temple in our nearby Hofgarten. FÜNF HÖFE’s Plaza is the new insider tip!
After the great success of our first two milongas this August on our Plaza, there is another date before the summer break:
Michaela and Fabian Lugo from the renowned Munich dance school Tango Lugo await you with Argentine tango music on:
Wednesday, 18.8.2021, 7 – 10 p.m.
Open Air on the Plaza of the FIVE HEIGHTS
The Milonga at FÜNF HÖFE is initiated and supervised by Michaela and Fabian Lugo from the Tango School Tango Lugo.
– Without pre-registration
– On a donation basis
– On own responsibility
– Super floor for dancing tango
– Open air and roofed at the same time
– In all weathers
You can read the current hygiene concept of Tango Lugo here.
We are very happy that the spirit of Tango Argentino is blowing through our passages and we wish you an enchanting Milonga!