News 08/22/2022
JR: CHRONICLES 26.8.2022 to 15.1.2023 Kunsthalle Munich
Kunsthalle München has once again landed a spectacular exhibition project: With JR: Chronicles, Kunsthalle München will show the largest retrospective of the French artist JR (*1983) in Germany to date from 26 August 2022 to 15 January 2023.
His exhibition venues are usually not museums and galleries, but the streets of this world. There, JR also attracts the attention of those who otherwise do not visit museums.
JR became famous for his photographs of unknown people, some of which are monumental in size, which he places on the fronts of houses, railway trains, container ships or border walls. The focus is often on people whose dignity and rights are ignored. With his art, JR gives them visibility in a way that is as perceptive as it is sensitive.
JR deliberately keeps his true identity secret, using only his initials and always wearing sunglasses and a hat. The focus is not on his person, but on his works; he leaves their interpretation to those portrayed and to passers-by. With his work, JR does not want to provide answers, but rather to raise questions and encourage people to engage in dialogue.
An exciting multimedia exhibition
With the help of selected photographs, videos, models and large-scale posters (pastings), the multimedia exhibition, organised by the Brooklyn Museum New York, makes it possible to experience JR’s projects, which are only intended to last for a limited period of time, once again. For the Kunsthalle München, JR is also designing a trompe-l’oeil that seems to break through the museum walls and opens the view to his actual field of activity, urban space. We can be curious!
Inside Out – an international art project at FÜNF HÖFE
The last room of the exhibition presents “Inside Out”, one of the largest participatory art projects in the world. Since the project was launched in 2011, more than 400,000 people in almost 140 countries have already taken part. The project supports initiatives by private individuals and institutions and aims to give their concerns visibility and attention.
On 15 September, a truck converted into a mobile photo studio by JR will also make a stop at the FÜNF HÖFE plaza: Would you like to be part of this worldwide art action? Then come to FÜNF HÖFE, show your face and have your picture taken in the truck. Your portrait will be printed in large format directly in the truck and displayed with hundreds of others under FÜNF HÖFE’S Hanging Gardens. We will tell you more about this project soon in a separate news item and on Facebook and Instagram.
More information about the exhibition: www.kunsthalle-muc.de
Here is the link to JR’s website: https://www.jr-art.net/
pictures: © JR-ART.NET