News 01/09/2025
Our tips on the program at Kunsthalle München
Did you know that the exhibition ‘Jugendstil. Made in Munich’ at the Kunsthalle München in FÜNF HÖFE offers a wide range of guided tours, lectures and other events?
Here are some examples:
Public guided tours
Public guided tours take place five days a week. All information and dates can be found here.
Lectures in the Garden Salon of the Kunsthalle
Signs of the times.
Monday, 3 February 2025, 18:30:
Typefaces from the Art Nouveau period, Oliver Linke, type designer (Lazydogs Typefoundry)
Women’s power 1900.
Monday, 24 February 2025, 6:30 pm:
The Munich women’s movement and Art Nouveau, Dr Ingvild Richardsen, University of Augsburg
Munich garden cities.
Monday, 10 March 2025, 6:30 pm:
A housing idea at the turn of the century, Prof. Dr Hubertus Kohle, LMU Munich
Information on the lectures and tickets can be found here.
Events for children
Guided tour for children: Monday, 3 March 2025, 3 pm
A guided tour of the exhibition for children aged 6 to 12 years
Fairytale hour for children: Saturday, 8 March 2025, 3 – 4 pm
Fairy tales, myths and legends were very popular in Art Nouveau. They took us back to a world when nature was still animated by magical beings. Joe Henselewski will be telling various fairy tales and stories, from Rübezahl to Schönen Lau, in the middle of the exhibition between 3 and 4 pm.
All information can be found in the calendar.
Every first Wednesday of the month: 15.1., 19.2., 19.3.2025 – from 18:30
The motto of the AfterworkKH: Visit the exhibition ‘Jugendstil. Made in Munich’ until 10 pm and round off the evening with music by DJ Alkalino at Theatiner 8. Each time with a big raffle. More Info
Also: lectures organised by the MVHS in cooperation with the Munich City Museum, a chamber music concert and more.
All events, dates, tickets, registration options etc. can be found in the Kunsthalle München events calendar.