News 04/22/2022
28.4. from 8:30 pm: Poetry Evening at the Kunsthalle
The exhibitions at the Kunsthalle München are always accompanied by a multifaceted programme.
On Thursday, 28 April, from 8:30 pm, there will be a poetry evening as part of the exhibition “Silent Rebels. Polish Symbolism around 1900”, there will be a poetry evening:
„Die kleine Ewigkeit der Kunst“ – Ein Abend für den polnischen Dichter Adam Zagajewski
On the programme: reading and conversation with Zagajewski’s companion Michael Krüger, translator Renate Schmidgall and poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski – in the middle of the exhibition. The Hugendubel bookshop at FÜNF HÖFE is designing a matching book table.
“Every day we decide whether to hang the white flag of surrender out the window or the tapestry of a poem bursting with bold colours,” wrote the great Polish-language poet Adam Zagajewski (1945 -2021). Throughout his life, as a poet and essayist, he championed the colourfulness of polished thought and speech and the value of that which is revealed beyond the everyday banal, moving, like the Polish Symbolists, within an international framework.
One year after Zagajewski’s death, the Kunsthalle is commemorating the poet and his references to Polish and German cultural traditions with a reading and a discussion. Participants: his friend and long-time publisher Michael Krüger, the young Polish poet Tadeusz Dąbrowski, an admirer of Zagajewski, and Renate Schmidgall, Zagajewski’s and Dąbrowski’s translator.
Tickets are available at the Kunsthalle box office and online. Your ticket entitles you to one free entry to the exhibition. Valid from 28 April to 4 May inclusive.
More information on the exhibition and accompanying program: www.kunsthalle-muc.de
Picture from the current exhibition:
Ferdynand Ruszczyc, Nec mergitur, 1904/05Oil on canvas, 219 x 203 cm, Lithuanian National Museum of Art, Vilnius